You may be aware that Shiatsu is one of several forms of massage therapy, but you might not be aware of the specifics of the procedure. What is Shiatsu massage therapy specifically, and how does the patient benefit from it?

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese method of applying pressure with the fingers to particular body parts in order to help heal and restore equilibrium.

In order to help relieve stiffness and tension, shiatsu massage therapists apply pressure to your body using their fingers and palms. In addition, it can help lower stress and anxiety and enhance circulation and joint flexibility throughout the body.

After a demanding workday or activity, shiatsu massage is a fantastic way to unwind and give your life some much-needed balance.

What is Shiatsu massage therapy and how does it work?

Shiatsu massage therapy uses pressure applied to different parts of the body’s surface using the fingers, thumbs, and palm to help treat common illnesses and imbalances in the body. Applying pressure to specific body points facilitates the flow of energy and addresses imbalances across the patient’s body. Shiatsu is not only a profoundly soothing experience but also aids in the treatment of pain and illness, stress relief, and general health and wellbeing.

Shiatsu stimulates the lymphatic, hormonal, and circulatory systems while regulating the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Shiatsu can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including bronchitis, sinusitis, sprains, arthritis, sciatica, acute and chronic neck and back pain, and poor posture.

What is shiatsu good for?

Shiatsu massage is a complementary therapy that can be used to treat common ailments, but it should not be used in place of Western medicine. Headaches, migraines, stiff necks and shoulders, backaches, coughs, colds, menstrual issues, respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma, sports injuries, ME, MS, and it’s a great support during pregnancy are common issues that can be helped.

Shiatsu Massage on Head

Benefits of Shiatsu massage:

  • Restore and maintain the body’s energy
  • Improves circulation
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Relief from headaches
  • Improved range of motion
  • Promotes healing from sprains and similar injuries
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